Roskilde Universitet
Kommunikationsvej 1,
Bygning 42.3
4000 Roskilde

Tlf: 46 74 26 92
Chris Holmsted Larsen

Tlf: 46 74 38 08
Kim Christian Schrøder


FMKJ er en national forskerskole, der:
• Arrangerer ph.d.-kurser på
- internationalt niveau,
• Er vært for internationale
- gæsteforskere,
• Uddeler stipendier til skolens
- studerende,
• Har indstillingsret til
- Forskningsrådet for Kultur og
- Kommunikation.

The 2010 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School

The University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 15-27, 2010.

  Læs mere: The 2010 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School

Methodologies of Media and Communication Studies: How to avoid pitfalls and face challenges

15-19 March, the Murikka Training Centre, Tampere, Finland. The course is funded by the NordForsk organization.

  Læs mere: Methodologies of Media and Communication Studies: How to avoid pitfalls and face challenges

New Media, New Theories, New Methods

PhD.-Course, Kalundborg Vandrehjem, Denmark.

14-17 November. 2010.

Organised by Niels Ole Finnemann and Per Jauert for NordForsk and FMKJ

Læs mere: New Media, New Theories, New Methods

GLOBAL PUBLIC RELATIONS – All the Same, All Different?

PhD course organized by the Centre for Corporate Communication

Aarhus School of Business, and

The Danish National Research School for Media, Communication, and Journalism

February 8-10, 2010

Læs mere: GLOBAL PUBLIC RELATIONS – All the Same, All Different?

Ny teknologi, medier og læring – et nordisk ph.d.-kursus

3.-4. februar 2010, Syddansk Universitet, Odense campus, Danmark

  Læs mere: Ny teknologi, medier og læring – et nordisk ph.d.-kursus

Ursula Plesner will defend her ph.d. thesis titled

Disassembling the Mass Mediation of Research – A study of the construction of texts, relations and positions in the communication of social science

Læs mere: Ursula Plesner will defend her ph.d. thesis titled

Morten Egholm will defend his ph.d. thesis titled

Carl Th. Drejer – En visionær fortolker af andres tanker

Læs mere: Morten Egholm will defend his ph.d. thesis titled

Referat af Nævnsmøde torsdag d. 29. september

Referat af Nævnsmøde torsdag den 29. september kl. 10-14 på
Syddansk Universitet.

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FMKJ Kursus: Feltarbejdets metodologier

Det kvalitative, det kvantitative og deres eventuelle blandinger

19. – 20. november, 2009, Roskilde Universitet, Danmark
Læs mere: FMKJ Kursus: Feltarbejdets metodologier

FMKJ Kursus: Applying discourse theory and CDA in the study of media, images and film

The doctoral course will provide insights into recent developments in critical discourse analysis (CDA) and discourse theory. It will also give the participants the opportunity to discuss their own analyses of media, images and film with senior scholars in the field. Participants who submit papers will gain a max. of 3 ETCS points.

Dates and location: 30 November-2 December 2009, Roskilde University.

Læs mere: FMKJ Kursus: Applying discourse theory and CDA in the study of media, images and film