Roskilde Universitet
Kommunikationsvej 1,
Bygning 42.3
4000 Roskilde

Tlf: 46 74 26 92
Chris Holmsted Larsen

Tlf: 46 74 38 08
Kim Christian Schrøder


FMKJ er en national forskerskole, der:
• Arrangerer ph.d.-kurser på
- internationalt niveau,
• Er vært for internationale
- gæsteforskere,
• Uddeler stipendier til skolens
- studerende,
• Har indstillingsret til
- Forskningsrådet for Kultur og
- Kommunikation.

Emotions, Media and Crime, September 29 – October 1, 2010

This course is a short pre-conference to the international culture and media research conference ”Emotion, Media and Crime” at University of Aarhus, DK. September 29th – October 1st 2010.

Please note that the deadline for applications to the conference is June 1, while the deadline for applications to the ph.d. course is July 1.


We invite ph.d.-students to participate in a course relating to the conference’s main topics (see conference website:


The course, which takes place in the afternoon of Wednesday 29 September, will be a workshop in two parts.


The first part will take its departure in short thematic inputs from

Leonard Cassuto, professor of American literature at Fordham University, and

Maurizio Ascari, Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Bologna.

Leonard Cassuto and Maurizio Ascari are two of the conference’s keynote speakers.


Besides, a compendium of common and obligatory texts dealing with various aspects within the field of emotion, media and crime and will function as a context for the discussions of the workshop.


The second part will contain a series of paper presentations proposed and prepared by the participants themselves. These papers should be the same as proposed for the main conference. Each presentation will however at the workshop have one senior researcher and one ph.d. student assigned to it as opponents ensuring that the presenters get qualified and well-prepared feedback.


If you want to participate, you should sign up for the ph.d. course no later than July 1st. You sign up for the ph.d. course by sending an email to


Papers proposed for presentations at main conference should follow the guidelines of the conference call for papers.


ECTS points for participation in the ph.d.-course/pre-conference:

With paper: 2 ECTS

Without paper: ½ ECTS


As with other conferences, the ECTS value of the conference that follows the ph.d. course must be agreed between each ph.d. students and his/her supervisor.



Program Wednesday September 29th:


12.00-13.00: Arrival and lunch

13.00-15.00: Ph.d. workshop part I: themes presented by conference keynote speakers

15.00-15.15: Coffee-break

15.15-16.45: Workshop part II: discussion of papers prepared and presented by ph.d. students

16.45-17.00: Coffee-break

17.00: Main conference begins


Course-organizers: Gunhild Agger and Kjetil Sandvik

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